by Erin | Aug 22, 2017 | acceptance, advocacy, child-lead, feelings, meeting needs, safe spaces, self-connection, trust, youth empowerment
For the past two weeks, I have been spending more time at Learning in the Woods and I have had a unique opportunity to observe more than engage with the children. I found myself thinking, what is it that kids like about Learning in the Woods. Here is what I...
by Erin | Feb 15, 2017 | advocacy, deschooling the adults, trust
Ha!…said no unschooler ever. But if that title grabbed your interest, I suspect you might be new to unschooling and perhaps you will find my list to be helpful. Or perhaps you have been unschooling for a while, scoffed at this title, and clicked on it for that...
by Erin | Feb 4, 2017 | advocacy, labels
I’ve never had a blog before starting We Learn Naturally, so I’m learning as I go how they work. While looking for a past blog post, I noticed that my blog post Labels had over 500 hits! Woah. When did that happen? How did that happen? So I decided to...
by Erin | Feb 9, 2016 | advocacy, deschooling the adults, traditional school
No Curriculum?? No Grades?? No Transcripts?? But HOW will your children ever get into College/University?When I first began my journey as an “unschooling” mother I was met with endless questions by countless people. Won’t you get sick of being with your kids all day?...
by Erin | Jul 16, 2015 | acceptance, advocacy, diversity, labels
My husband has the gift of being able to quickly and accurately see the essence of a person. He is an engineer in his categorical thinking and that’s true even when he deals with people. It’s especially helpful for him in his sales...