Nature Will Provide

Today I had the pleasure of walking down the big hill at Learning in the Woods with Elizabeth Boyd, Registered Herbalist.  She has walked down this path every Wednesday for the past 2 months and as an herbalist, she is very familiar with all of the plants along...

freedom through self-awareness

Neem Karoli Baba: You must honor your personality in order to become free from it.  A friend and parent at Learning in the Woods shared this with me today. This fits so well with my life philosophy.  I think that when we deny who we are or reach too far outside of...

Creative Leap

There are so many people who have an vision of what the perfect educational environment is.  I am part of a new Facebook group that aims to discuss alternatives to education in our area.  It’s a new group, so we are really just sharing our backgrounds...


My husband has the gift of being able to quickly and accurately see the essence of a person.  He is an engineer in his categorical thinking and that’s true even when he deals with people.  It’s especially helpful for him in his sales...

Invited Conversations

Have you ever thought about what or who you invite into your space?  The people you interact with, the things you read, watch, and listen to all have an impact on the way you think, perceive, and evolve as a person. Recently a friend shared a story on Facebook.  As a...

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